Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday Night Live...Teacher Edition.

Yes, it is a Saturday night. Yes, I am up until at least midnight. Yes, I am tied to my computer completing grad school work/lesson plans for school. Oh the life of a (first-year) teacher.

Since this is my first post and we haven't started our discussions in EME 5050 yet, I thought I would give everyone an update on the FETC conference I attended this week.

Technology and sensory overload best describes my week. From interactive whiteboards to student response systems to blogging in the classroom, I was able to collaborate and discuss key concepts in education with colleagues.

Best CHEAP technology (I think) for the classroom:
1. Blogs - students take the role of a character or use them as personal journals
2. Wikis - students create wikis to publish their writing

Best EXPENSIVE technology for the classroom:
1. Student response systems - this allows EVERY student to engage and interact with classroom activities.
2. Interactive whiteboards
3. Document cams - no more scanning or overhead projectors! YAAAAY!

Overall, I am still amazed on a daily basis of the way technology is being used.

I will be experimenting this week and next with my reading classes using student-created digital avatars in an attempt to bring FCAT practice articles to "life"...get it? ha.

-Jessica Levene

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